强强联合,分工合作,提高效率,我司2024年喜获日本DENGENSHA TOA 电元社代理证书
2024年10月16日,深秋时节,秋高气爽,我司喜获日本Dengensha TOA 电元社代理证书。
感谢生产厂家的支持,鉴于我司已经累积销售日本DENGENSHA TOA电元社焊接设备和变压器达到一千万人民币,
厂家也感谢我司的推广,并期待我司早日做到三千万的销售额,DENGENSHA TOA 电元社表示强强联合,分工合作,
1-23-1,主营点焊机、注塑焊机、无缝焊机、闪焊机、大型电容器焊机、定置式点焊机等等。2018年与Nas Toa焊接技
术有限公司合并公司更名为Dengensha Toa Co.,Ltd.,现有员工340人。苏州上野机电设备有限公司是一家日本进口机
械机电产品供应商。主要经营日本Dengensha Toa 电元社 焊接产品等。
Strong alliance, division of labor cooperation, and improved efficiency, our company has been awarded the agency
certificate of DENGENSHA TOA Electric Power Company in Japan in 2024
On October 16, 2024, in the deep autumn season, with clear autumn air, our company was awarded the agency
certificate of Dengensha TOA Electric Power Company in Japan.
Thank you for the support from the manufacturer. Considering that our company has accumulated sales of welding
equipment and transformers from DENGENSHA TOA Electric Company in Japan, totaling 10 million RMB,
The manufacturer has recently issued a formal agency certificate to our company.
The manufacturer also thanks our company for promoting and looks forward to our company achieving a sales volume
of 30 million as soon as possible. DENGENSHA TOA Electric Power Company expressed a strong alliance and division
of labor cooperation,It can significantly improve work efficiency and social benefits, which is in line with our company's
corporate values. We also welcome customers and friends to continue ordering this brand.
Our company has always adhered to the business philosophy of 'Wealth of Nations': division of labor can greatly
improve work efficiency, and the essence and justice of exchange lies in mutual benefit exchange. Is there a market
to seeThe hand of sight commands the operation of the market. Business is the greatest public welfare, promoting
employment and inspiring people!
电话:0512-66051469 传真:0512-66051489 邮箱:2461896109@qq.com
网址: www.ueno-china.com 地址:苏州市吴中区南湖路71号天贸大厦509
版权归苏州上野机电设备有限公司所有 苏ICP备16035515号-1 技术支持:易动力网络